Are there any walkthroughs or examples of Microsoft Reporting NOT issued by Microsoft. I cannot for the life of me get this to work.
And none of MS Tutorials are providing any help for what im trying to accomplish.
Simply put. I want a report with a sub report in it. Its been three days and all i have managed to do is cry.
any examples written by someone that actually explain how it works would help.
First, I'm making the assumption that you are talking about Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services. If this is the case, I understand your pain - I had similar problems when I first attempted to get this up and running. I finally ended up purchasing the following book:
"Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services", McGraw Hill Osborne, Brian Larson
Has great examples of what can be accomplished utilizing reporting services.
In a nutshell
Create your master report.|||no im not using SQL Server Reporting Services im using Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms. which i was led to believe is different. For Sql Server Reporting Services you need the reporting services plugin on the server, this is very similar to what MS Access has as for reports and just uses DataTables generated from any data source.
I have managed to create a parent and child report and link them and set their data tables, but my child report only displays one of 10 records it should. Also there are many differences between this and the Access style reports (ie no Report Header and Footer, just Page header and Footer).
the reports you can create are used with the ReportViewer control available in VS 2005 and they have the extension .rdlc. Perhaps these are the same reports that SQL Server Reporting services generates but i dont know for sure.
thanks for your help.
|||I just went through learning about Reporting within VS 2005 this past week myself. The reporting available within VS 2005 is basically the same as what is used with SQL Reporting Services but does not have the full spectrum of features.The following links helped me greatly. The first two are geared toward ASP.NET but I'm sure you can adapt them to WinForms...
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