here is from BOL
>When a conversation is marked delayed, Service Broker performs the matching process again after a timeout period. Notice that failure to find a matching route is not considered an error.
for example it could happen when there is no route for a service.
the question is - what is this timeout. Is it configurable? on a system wide
basis ?
It will be great if this process is described in more details.
Best regards,
Leonid.The timeout period is not configurable. If you do want to force reclassification, however, you could trigger that by running ALTER ROUTE on some pre-existing route that basically does not change any attributes. The ALTER ROUTE would then have no effect, but it would trigger metadata change which causes Service Broker to retry classifying delayed conversations.|||
But what is the timeout is ? What is the overhead when SB trying to connect to a sevice with no route. As I understood SB will try to send a message every minute. Could you please clarify.
|||4 seconds that exponentially backs out to about a minute. But don't quote me on this.
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